18. Jan. 2022

Revolting Librarians Assembly & Roundtable

Part 1: Revolting Librarians Assembly

During International Zine Month:

Although public libraries are understood as guardians of democracy and education,

there have always been reasons for blue-printing alternative library systems.

Independent libraries such as zine libraries or artist book archives emerge out of a need for representation apart from institutional systems

or as an emancipatory act to found their own system of knowledge.

In analog and digitalized times, the archiving of ephemera is a consistently developing and defining field.

Its systems can range from a shoe carton to an independent digital platform, the values systems that shape them ask political, social, and economic questions.


What could zine libraries learn from institutional libraries?

What can institutional libraries learn from independent zine libraries?

Give X Take X Share: How can we find a productive mode of exchange?

How could a careful and sustainable mode of archiving look for zines in the State Library?

Introduction Impossible Library & Assembly Welcome

Part 1: Presentations: Show & Tell: 9 minute presentations

Schikkimikki Zinedistro & Library

Archive of Youth Cultures (Archiv der Jugendkulturen)

Gloria Glitzer/ We Make It: Riso Herbarium

Aarhus Art Book & Zine Fest/ Abdul Dube

Nicole Döll/ Library: Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig

Sorting Systems: Accountable Categories / Access & Preservation

Example Questions:

How to sort the systemless printed matters into a system?

What are some values to take into account?

Challenges and successful examples from your own practice?

How do you maintain safer space policies in your institutions and how could you see these translating into larger institutions?

Abdul Dube's live notes & illustrations courtesy of the artist

Part 2: Grey Matters Roundtable

Poster – Lady Liberty Press

The Grey Matters Roundtable was a continuation of the first Revolting Librarians Assembly
It revisited, expanded and shared some ideas. It was entitled Grey Matters because we learned in the first session that most artist books and zines are classified as grey matters by institutional libraries–though they are usually very colorful and diverse. We were joined by representatives of


The Archive of Youth Cultures

Aarhus Art Book & Zine Fest

The Artistic Library of Print on Demand

Risomania, and the Impossible Library

Unfortunately, representatives of larger institutional libraries were indisposed but were keen to join in future roundtable sessions.

Concept & Facilitation: Nina Prader

Technical Support: Torben Körschkes Assembly 1

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